Today’s hottest Internet businesses are all about the power of social and Economic networks. Big Companies have become worth billions because businesses have realized that these social networks are generating huge advertising and marketing opportunities. As these social and economic networks grow, the economic potential for its owners - and the advertisers who target the site’s users - is remarkable.
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Qyao set out to create the Social - Economic Network, harnessing the power of Internet-based social and economic networks to directly benefit the Members who help to create the community.
Becoming a member of Qyao is simple. Complete a brief sign-up page (name, age, location and email address.). Once you’re a Member, you can start earning Money online and even get a Franchise.
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Member’s Benefits
Get $300 and more per month as a Member. You can achieve $300 monthly payout in first 3 months, after that you can expect between 3 - 6% monthly growths. All you need to do is to sacrifice 4 - 7 hours per week and you’ll be on your way.
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Referring Members won’t be so hard they’ll be offered different rewards and benefits. They’ll get signup cash bonus, participation in Lady Luck contest where they can win from over $600,000.00 Prizes in value from $120.00 and up to $20,000.00.
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You can test it out for a month or two as a Member and if it works out fine for you than go pro! As a Lessee you’ll be making with same effort up to 400% of what you are making as a Member. Please don not compare QYAO services to any other known service on internet. There are some which might look like QYAO but we don’t promise you any unachievable goals. All you can achieve with us is realistic, there is one catch - you have to work for it! In Terms you can read what you can and can’t do.
You can read more about go pro and Lady Luck.
Qyao brings money to its Membersin many ways:
Advertising: Banner network itself displays banner ads that are targeted based upon the websites you’re visiting. When you click on an ad, make an impression and/or make a purchase, Qyao receives a referral fee, which we pass on to our Members.
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Classifieds: When you post small classified ads you’ll make money. Ads around your classified ad will contain your ID so that Qyao knows who to credit. Post as many classifieds you like, more of them you post more money you make. Ads must be submitted in appropriate categories and for appropriate areas.
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Forums: When you post threads you’ll make money. Ads around your thread will contain your ID so that Qyao knows who to credit.
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Blogs: When you’ll post blogs you’ll make money. Ads around your blog ad will contain your ID so that Qyao knows who to credit. Post as many blogs as you like, invite others to discussions.
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Referrals: Qyao pays you 1.00 per active Member you refer. You’ll get paid recurring each month for every active Member (Members can’t just signup with multiply accounts and have no activity). Qyao pays you 5% from all revenue from your referrals (10 tiers) from 10 levels below you. Refer your family, friends, neighbors and colleges.
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Just to be present with a little activity it can bring you easy couple of hundreds per month.
Why should you join now?
First, it costs nothing to join and takes less than one minute.
Second, you can help build the Qyao community by referring new Members today.
Recruit your friends and family by contacting them through email. (But remember we have a strict anti-spam policy.) Use your blog and your existing social networks, such as Evite, Friendster, Xanga, MySpace, Facebook and others, to contact your friends and encourage them to join a new community that will actually let them earn money.